Date: 7-11-2023
Start Time: 10:05 AM
Stop Time: 11:10 AM
Sierra Winter Smith, NVHC Board President and SCHC Community Relations Manager
Ronni Spaulding, NVHC Member & SCHC CEO Assistant
Amanda Simpson, NVHC Board Treasure
Mary Gunderson
Ashley Minaei
David Richvalsky
Jacqueline Summers
Michael Carson
Jennifer Motes
Brenda Shelden
Denise Hendrickson
Rein Aklestad
Holly Weigle
Kyla Newland
Sierra opens the meeting by having each member introduce themselves.
Jennifer Motes explains her role in the Community Conversations of Mat Su Health Foundation to help identify rural connections. They discuss the special needs in rural communities, figuring out how to talk to folks through their preferred path of communication.
Other present communities members introduce themselves and their roles in the communities and how they are related to the Northern Valley community.
Sierra introduces Ryan, SCHC Care Manager, to speak about social determinants of health.
Ryan explains that SCHC has partnered with Connect Mat Su to create a pilot program that helps screening social drivers with health. He explains that the focus is insurance and transportation for the social determinants and explains that the patient advocates are currently driving the pilot program to make resources available for the northern valley.
Denise questions how long they will be collecting data for SDOH. Ryan explains they have been rolling it out since May, so they are shooting for a 6-month data collection. He explains that they did this pilot program because it automatically connects them to the resource that is needed.
Sierra explains that the first task she would like to tackle is identifying the mission, vision, and values of each organization in the Northern Valley. She explains that the Northern Valley Health Coalition could help direct people where to help out with something that aligns with them.
- Sierra Smith
- Ronni Spaulding
- Jennifer Motes
- Denise Alaska
- Jacqueline Summers
- Holly Weigle
Jennifer volunteers to be one of the 6 volunteers to contact our nonprofit near us. She shares that they were having a meeting next week.
Michael explains that Connect Mat Su would be a great resource to see where other organizations in.
Jennifer questions how the Northern Valley has been reaching out in Talkeetna.
Sierra explains that the local radio reaches a lot of residents and pamphlets.
Sierra states she will invite the volunteers to a Google Sheet so we can collect all the information about nonprofits before the next Northern Valley Health Coalition meeting.
Sierra explains that the second goal is to find a way to collect resumes or help create resumes for a task force page for students.
Sierra announces that there is a health community celebration at Sunshine Community Health Center on August 12th, 2023.
Sierra details the Northern Valley Health Coalition website and shares the calendar that members can add to.
Holly states that including the seasonal workers in the task force work planning.
Michael informs the importance of the drug overdose that they are now calling “poisoning”, 1 gram of fentanyl can kill up to 500 people. Michael explains that they created a PSA on fentanyl and he can send it to Sierra. Ashley explains that Michael could reach out to . Jennifer questions if Michael has been connected with Gloria Brunnett from UAA. Naloxone is better than Narcan, it adheres to the opioid through Project Hope out of Anchorage. May need more than one dose. Myhouse, public health and Sunshine Clinic may be a distributer.
Mental Health First Aid Friday, July 21st.
Ashley Minaei announces that the School Safety and Well-being summit is in September.
Goal 1: Identify nonprofits and task forces that affect our northern valley communities and gather information about them to start a baseline resources page.
Sierra will invite Holly, Ronni, Jacqueline, Jennifer, and Denise to a Google Sheet where they will be assigned a group of non-profits to research and collect data on. Due by the next meeting 8/8/2023.
Amy Gorn is going to contact the Foraker Group to get their list of non-profits.
EVERYONE will comment in the Northern Valley Member's forum to add other task forces and businesses to this list that would benefit from community volunteers.
Next Meeting:
We will review the lists and discuss ways to share this information with the northern valley communities outside of the website.
Goal 2: Develop a career development program that encourages youth and other community members to apply through the nvhc to receive support on resume building, interviews, etc.
Completion of goal 1 is required to move forward with goal 2.
Sierra will develop a tentative workflow for this program to share with the team.
EVERYONE thinks of what this program could be called and what resources may help to bring this idea to life.
additional homework:
EVERYONE email Sierra Winter at || Your Organization Name and what services are offered. || Link to your website and/or social media. || Copy of your logo (transparent preferred). || Anything else you would like the Northern Valley Communities to know?
Sierra Winter will start developing the resources page with the information gathered so far.
Sierra Winter is going to bring the conversation about Naloxone back to Sunshine Community Health Center's Management Team.
Resources shared:
Jacqueline Summers shares a house cleaners website that helps people find cleaners in your community (in the discussion of how many Air BNB owners there are in the Northern Valley):
Michael Volin shares the Fentanyl PSA Link:
Ashley Minaei shares the link to all State List Serves:
Ashley Minaei shares the link to the School Health List Serves:
Jennifer Motes shares information about the Youth MHFA Training:

Ronni Spaulding shares information about the 16th Annual Fireweed Festival

Sierra Winter shares information about Sunshine Community Health Center's Community Celebration and invites members to have a FREE exhibitor space.

If there was anything missed in our meeting minutes please notify Sierra Winter or Ronni Spaulding to update.
Sierra Winter ||
Ronni Spaulding ||
Next Meeting Planning:
Date: 8/8/2023
Time: 10:00 AM