Date: 3/12/2024
Start Time: 10:05 AM
Stop Time: 10:57 AM
Sierra Winter
Abigail Vanwormer
Linda Oxley
Ryan Romans
Joshual Gilmore
Jacqueline Summers
Glory Dollerhide
Gina McCullough
Amanda Simpson
Melitta White
Brenda McCain
Ronni Spaulding
New Member Introduction
Sierra Winter, Northern Valley Health Coalition (NVHC) board chair, calls the meeting to order at 10:05AM and suggests new members to introduce themselves to the group.
Glory Dollerhide introduces herself as the Public Health Nurse.
Social Determinants of Health - Sunshine CHC
Sierra introduces Ryan Romans, Sunshine Clinic’s Health Equity Director, and announces that he will be presenting at this month’s meeting.
Ryan presents his work on Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) and provides a document of data and information on Community Clinical Linkages. He describes the work done at Sunshine Clinic on social determinants to continue overcoming barriers to health for the Northern Valley residents. He explains that the Health Information Exchange is a platform Sunshine is going to use instead of Telask, Health Information Exchange utilizes health information across several platforms to identify gaps in continuity of care. This platform will provide more information and data that will benefit the investigation of social determinants.
Ryan highlights that 320 patients were screened for social determinants and were connected to Connect Mat-Su. The common issues recorded were housing, transportation, and stress level. Ryan is currently looking into stress management and how the northern valley could assist patients in becoming less stressed.
Ryan explains that the northern valley has very little to no housing available, there is no section 8 housing for those that are eligible in the northern valley. Families in crisis funds are being used to help patients to go to heating material(s) and food.
Ryan explains that a big barrier to identifying how/where to help is the issues with getting patients to want help and/or provide the appropriate information.
Sierra mentions on the SDOH outcomes graph most patients have money but have similar issues with resources, Sierra suggests the NVHC having a class about financial responsibility and management to assist with this issue. Ryan explains that that solution would be a great resource, but the social determinants are not always consistent, patients could have issues with food one week then need heating fuel the next, taking up most of their funds for the month leaving them unable to buy food, etc. A lot of these barriers are dependent on weather conditions as well.
Mary questions the section 8 housing issue and why there are no section 8 houses in the area. Ryan explains that a lot of people are not willing to take section 8 as it is not the same as rent in cash/check. Another issue is if the section 8 voucher expires, in the state of Alaska, a landlord cannot kick someone out and will have to take the loss for the expenses.
Jaqueline Summers questions the involvement of SDOH screening with children and young adults, Ryan explains that Sunshine Clinic had provided the schools and patients with SDOH screenings. Jacqueline explains that “AbundaBox” delivers resources to people monthly and has interest in serving Alaska. Jacqueline had mentioned Sunshine would probably be interested in collaborating with the individual who is associated with “AbundaBox”. Sierra and Jacqueline will connect with Ryan to discuss further information related to these resources.
Melitta questions if there is an SDOH screener sheet for patients, Ryan assured that there is a SDOH screener that patients fill out and they are currently working the data to figure out how often patients should fill it out based on the needs of the community.
Future Monthly Trainings
Sierra announces that the NVHC is going to have more presentations in the future to share some information and resources; next month WIC will be presentin, Gateway to the Arctic will come to present in May, cardiovascular health with the State of Alaska will present in June, and there are open slots for July and November presentations. Please contact board chair, Sierra Winter, if there is someone who would like to present for the open slots at
April || WIC
May || Gateway to the Arctic
June || Cardiovascular Health with Ashley Mineai
July || Open
August || Open
September || Open
October || Open
November || Open
December || Nutrition with Duronda Twigg
Sierra asks the group if anyone could find a point of contact for a chainsaw safety class to please contact her with details. This class would be a wonderful resource for the northern valley residents.
Northern Valley Health Center Governance
Sierra informed the group that the NVHC board of directors are working on the 501(C)(3) status for the NVHC and had recently drafted and finalized the Bylaws and conflict of interest. More information regarding the federal status of NVHC will be provided moving forward.
Northern Valley Events
Sierra informed the group of upcoming events in our Northern Valley communities.
TKA Library Idea || Planning a Virtual Dementia Tour
Trapper Creek Health Fair 3/16
Mat-Su Employer Expo 3/29
Diabetes Management Group Starts 3/29
Eggstravaganza Safety Expo 3/30
Pre-Registration Prize ENDS April 1
Willow Health Fair 4/6
Earth Day Non Profit Fair (local non profits only) 4/22
Talkeetna Alaskan Lodge Orientation 5/6 and 5/14
McKinley Princess Lodge Orientation 5/3
Linda Oxley - Updates on Bike Park Grand Opening?
Links Resource Fair 6/27
Fourth of July Events
Live at Five
Community Celebration 8/10 - email coming soon!
Brenda explains on May 18th from 11-2pm there is a Su Valley Emergency Preparedness Fair at the Willow Community Center.
Health TIE Newsletter Jacqueline shares that this month in the newsletter they are discussing the Alaska Brain Bus. Tomorrow Sierra is meeting with Dr.Grove who spearheads the Alaska Brain Bus tomorrow on zoom, please reach out and Sierra will include whomever interested on the invite. Sign up for this newsletter by visiting:
Jacqueline & Ryan to connect and discuss Abundabox/SDOH.
Sierra to register SCHC/NVHC with the Su Valley Emergency Preparedness Fair.
Sierra & Ryan to connect and discuss addressing SDOH barriers in the Community Newsletter.
Ryan to connect community member with Sierra to discuss adding gardening tips to the Community Newsletter.
Ryan & Sierra to collaborate on coordinating a financial training course for basic cost of living money management.
NVHC Board Members to finalize Bylaws and complete 501c3 status paperwork.
Next Meeting Planning:
Please invite anyone and everyone to learn about WIC resources.
Date: April 9th
Time: 10:00 AM