Date: 10/10/2023
Start Time: 10:04 AM
Stop Time: 10:50 AM
David Richvalskey
Mary Gunderson
Sierra Smith
Ronni Spaulding
Melitta White
Erin Aklestead
Ashley Minaei
Linda Oxely
Eseta Okilani
Melissa Himes
Amanda Simpson
Teri Schwietzer
Jessica Downes
** We forgot to take attendance and know we had 16 participants so if you were a part of this meeting please comment below**
The NVHC Meeting starts with the Fresh Start Program presentation.
Jessie Downes introduces herself as a Nurse practitioner and states that Fresh Start is a campaign to put out to as many programs as possible to help Alaskans reach their health goals. Jessica shares specifics about how each program has impacted Alaskans so far and what people can expect for each one.
She shares that 10% weight loss can help reduce your risk of diabetes by 85%. The average attempts to quit tobacco are 10-30 times until fully quitting tobacco. The weight loss program has collectively lost over 10,300 pounds.
Jessica shares that each program has an online option (and an App) that is paired with a subject matter expect as a coach. The tobacco support redirects folks to the Alaska Quit Line.
Jessica shares this resource is 100% FREE to Alaskans. If insurance will cover services at no out of pocket cost, folks will be directed to a care provider within network to complete the program/support needs. If the patient does not have coverage, their care will be provided directly from the State of Alaska.
Jessica explains that folks who sign up also have networking opportunities to find people with similar interest and to make connections with others who are going through the same thing as you.
Jessica opens the floor to Q&A on the Fresh Start Program.
Sierra, board chair of NVHC, starts the meeting for the NVHC by following up on previous meeting tasks.
Sierra shares that conversations have started about hosting a Career day at SVH and mentioned the Career Day happening on 10/12 at the Menard Center. Mary Gunderson advocates for the Board of Directors (SCHC) to be involved at the Career day at SVH when coordinated.
Ashley Minaei updates that we have no new information on the public health nurse for our communities.
Sierra calls for new member/guest introductions.
Linda Oxley introduces herself as a member of WACO.
Sierra reminds everyone of October breast cancer awareness promotions sharing that...
- Sunshine Community Health Center is also having an internal competition for a departmental lunch.
- Artwork by Sierra Winter is changing logos and profile pics PINK for $10.00 and a large portion of the money raised will be donated to breast cancer research. - The State of Alaska's Breast and Cervical Cancer program, The Medicare Information Office, and the NVHC will be having a Q&A day at SCHC's Talkeetna Office on October 19th at 12:30.
Eseta Okilani came to Talkeetna and Willow Sunshine Clinic with Providence mobile mammogram and shares it was a huge success. She shares that Providence celebrates breast cancer awareness month every month but also does more pink decor in October. Her team will be submitting photos to the coalition's competition. The mobile mammogram comes out to Talkeetna and Willow in the spring and fall and 2024 dates will be selected soon.
Sierra asks for donations for prizes for the coalition's competition.
- Sierra Winter is donating a $250.00 gift certificate to Artwork by Sierra Winter's design services and a discounted stay at Bald Mountain BNB during the off season.
- Mary Gunderson will drop off artwork at the Talkeetna clinic and will also share a shoulder season night at her BNB.
- David shares he will donate a night or two at the Talkeetna Chalet. If we only have a few submissions we will do a 1st and 2nd prize and save the offers for donations for a future competition/promotion.
Sierra announces that she is looking for blogs to be added to the Northern Valley Health Coalition's website and our local library "Health Shelf" program if anyone would like to share any info.
- 10/11 MSHF Community Foundations Sheep Creek Lodge 6 PM
- 10/12 Mat-Su District College/Career Fair Curtis Menard Center 10 AM
- 10/15 Wild Su Feat Denali Brewing Company 5 PM
- 10/19 Q&A at SCHC Talkeetna Clinic 12:30 PM
- 10/28 Trail of Terrors Trapper Creek 6 PM
- 10/31 Halloween Carnival Talkeetna Elementary 3 PM
- 10/31 Trunk or Treat Willow Community Center 5 PM
- 11/18 Talkeetna Health Fair Upper Community Center 8 AM
David, the president of the board of Sunshine Station Daycare Center, explains that Sunshine had gifted them the entire building and thank you to Mat Su Health Foundation for funding.
David explains that they should be able to care for 30 children once the renovations for the building are completed hopefully this winter of 2023.
Sierra closes by asking the group to think of things that this group can do and/or educational topics we can coordinate either via Zoom or in person.
Next Meeting Planning:
Date: 11/14/2023
Time: 10:00 AM